
Wardrobe Declutter

Wardrobe Declutter

If you are anything like me, you have looked inside your closet, which is full of clothes, and still could not find anything to wear?

Have you bought expensive items just because they were on sale, and then kept them in your closet for years because you paid too much for them? Have you purchased clothes that were “in style” (trendy) but not exactly your style? How about those garments that you have been waiting to wear, again, once you loose weight? How about getting all-dressed-up and stepping-out only to feel invisible?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, your closet contains clothes for the wrong reasons. And, you are in a “Style Rut”. StyleWithin to the rescue!!!! Together we will evaluate your closet, analyze and determine your Personal Style, identify garments that celebrate your style within!!!!




Shape Analysis

Shape Analysis

I will identify how to positively accentuate your unique body shape, how to de-emphasize any areas of your body that are less attractive, and identify appropriate clothes and accessories to draw attention to your assets.

My analysis will identify clothes that will draw attention to your good features and play down the less positive features. I will help you develop your unique style that will ultimately make you feel better.


Personal Shopping

Personal Shopping

If you do not enjoy the shopping experience, if you feel bothered when sifting through racks of clothing and waiting in lines, or if you want to shop with your personal shopping expert; I am your Personal Shopper.

As part of my personal shopping service, I conduct a Personal Style Analysis (find the style within), which allows me to determine your wardrobe style. I will be able to find the styles that best suit you without setting-foot in a store


Image Consulting

Image Consulting

I will help you grow in confidence and help you to develop a positive body image, by focusing on the positive aspects of your body and appearance I will help you break-out of any negative cycles and self-debilitating concepts that keep you from making YOUR style statement.


Color Analysis

Color Analysis

I will find the perfect color palette that will enhance your complexion, eyes, and hair color. The perfect colors can convert an outfit from nice to fantastic. With the perfect colors, you will look and feel more confident, attractive, younger, slimmer, healthier and vibrant.

You can wear whatever color you choose, however, if you want to look your best, you must understand which colors harmonize with your natural coloring
